1) Batman
Batman is a hero because he serves as a vigilante for the city of Gotham. In the Dark Knight he works to put away the mob and the evil villain, the Joker. There are also several occasions where he has to save the citizens from the Joker's sinister plans. He is a hero because he is daring but also compassionate for the victims. Perhaps his most heroic moment was when he dove from a story building to save his love, Rachel, from dying.
2) My Mommy
In my opinion, my mom is just as much a hero as Batman. She is a hard worker and has sacrificed so much for her family. She's also a huge risk taker, considering she pursued a career that has a tough market. Her accomplishments have been huge and I'm proud of all that she does to make sure I have what I need. She's independent, selfless, and has all the attributes Superman has and more! Just this summer my mom worked for the census, flipped a house, and catered to my needs. That, to me, is a real hero.
3) Frank Sinatra
Although I do no know him personally, it is no secret that Frank Sinatra was a hero. His natural good looks and ability to carry a tune changed the movie and music industry forever. One of his most well know (and my favorite!) works, Singin' in the Rain, became a smash hit sending musical films to a new level. Not only did he become the face of modern media, he also served as a role model to aspiring young actors. His work made what movies and music what it is today.